We’d like to update you on our leadership transition journey!
We have extended the application deadlines and increased the compensation in the search for our new Executive Director, as well as the CEO to launch our new social enterprise.
After conducting the first phase of outreach and speaking with several impressive candidates, we have received signals that in order to fill these dynamic positions, more incentive and outreach is required.
In making this decision, our main goal has remained unchanged: to find two new leaders to join our team and serve this community’s work - a mission that is more important than ever in these unprecedented times.
A whole community effort is going to be required to find the right people for these roles. Please consider applying, or forward these opportunities to well-qualified candidates:
- Executive Director: www.ironandearth.org/executive_director_posting
- CEO of Iron & Earth Industries: www.ironandearth.org/ceo_posting
We will consider applications on a rolling basis and early applications are encouraged. We will update the pages for each position on our website once these positions have been filled.
For a full backstory on our leadership transition story, please check out this blog post.
Thank you for sharing these postings and we can’t wait to update you on who will be joining Iron & Earth during our next stage of growth!
In hope, action and gratitude,
The team at Iron & Earth
P.S - We have just hired our amazing new National Chapter Director and are excited to introduce them soon, stay tuned!