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Tips & Tricks to hone your job search

Solar installationChanging roles or careers isn't easy. Here's the lowdown to get you started. 

Changing roles or careers can be a daunting task - starting from simply finding the next role for you. I’ve talked about self-reflection and seeking mentorship guidance in determining the right career path or role, but let’s dive into some of the nitty gritty on how to find the role you’re looking for.

If you’re reading this post, then you’re probably already familiar with the Climate Career Portal: start there. Under the career tabs you can select the jobs page, where you can sort by climate solution (i.e. solar, geothermal, EV charging… etc) and by location. There are currently more than 300 jobs on the Climate Career Portal jobs page, so you’ll want to narrow down those results through filters and key word searches.

Screen shot from Climate Career PortalWhen you are beginning your search, start broadly. Try selecting the location that is of most interest to you, and see what types of roles are available there. Then sort by the climate solution you’re most interested in to see the types of roles and where they are located. Once you’ve narrowed down which type of work and location you think will fit you best, sort based on both criteria. You can apply this same technique to any job board: start broad and narrow your search as you go. You may find that there is a concentration of jobs in a type of work that would require upskilling or reskilling, but that are very close to where you live now. Or, maybe you’re interested in moving, and you can determine a place where you’re most likely to find work in your preferred climate solution or skill area.

If you have a specific company in mind, or a certain job title - you can also search by those criteria in the free-fill job search bar at the top of the page. Note: many similar roles may have different job titles so it is important to start with a broader search before settling on one specific title of interest.

You can also search using keywords such as: manager, technician, senior, or mechanic. You may need to try synonyms (lots of options for this but I often use or the synonym finder in Word). For instance, “entry-level” did not garner any job hits, but “junior” did. Using a variety of synonyms can also help you find similar job postings that have different job titles.

Another great way to learn about new postings is to subscribe to the Climate Career Portal Newsletter (enter your email address at the bottom of the Climate Career Portal landing page). This weekly digest highlights new jobs as well as other features and happenings on the portal. In addition to this newsletter, you can also set alerts through other job platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, or so that they will alert you when jobs within a certain criteria are posted. These curated alerts can help keep the job search from feeling too overwhelming - you’ll only learn about the jobs you’re most interested in. 

Check job boards frequently, subscribe to curated newsletters or lists, and start with a broad search.

You’ve got this!

Post by freelance writer Anna Kobb


This blog is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program. 

Iron & Earth is committed to partnering with Indigenous workers to empower their communities to become self-sufficient in training programs, clean energy transition projects, and employment opportunities to combat environmental racism. It falls to all of us to continue the work of healing and reconciliation in our communities and our organizations. Our relationship with the land and the people who live here shapes who we are. It is in the spirit of reconciliation and honouring the past that we recognize treaties and agreements wherever they are and wherever we work.

We also acknowledge all peoples who live, work, and play on this land, and who honour and celebrate this territory.
As individuals and teams we may make mistakes along the way, but we are dedicated to growth, openness, compassion, and forgiveness. These principles in our work are essential to building successful and healthy relationships with individuals, communities, organizations, and governments.

We look forward to building a path to lead us to a better relationship with Indigenous nations and the environment around us based on peace, friendship, and respect.