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Community Pathways

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We believe that hearing directly from the community is vital. As Canada weathers a changing economic, social, and environmental landscape, all of the impacts are felt by people. By setting up small-scale, meaningful conversations in key communities across the country we can hear directly from people most affected, discuss what support would be useful, and focus on solutions.

Click a location below to explore an upcoming session in your area.

To explore what kinds of topics are discussed, you can read our report from our first session in Hinton, Alberta.



Iron & Earth is committed to partnering with Indigenous workers to empower their communities to become self-sufficient in training programs, clean energy transition projects, and employment opportunities to combat environmental racism. It falls to all of us to continue the work of healing and reconciliation in our communities and our organizations. Our relationship with the land and the people who live here shapes who we are. It is in the spirit of reconciliation and honouring the past that we recognize treaties and agreements wherever they are and wherever we work.

We also acknowledge all peoples who live, work, and play on this land, and who honour and celebrate this territory.
As individuals and teams we may make mistakes along the way, but we are dedicated to growth, openness, compassion, and forgiveness. These principles in our work are essential to building successful and healthy relationships with individuals, communities, organizations, and governments.

We look forward to building a path to lead us to a better relationship with Indigenous nations and the environment around us based on peace, friendship, and respect.